FREE "Advanced Thinking"  Business Tips

Why won't you talk to me?

April 26, 2013

In this latest article we share practical (or shall we say “advanced thinking”) tips on how you can win more business from your gold mine: existing customers. 

If you are not yet in business, don’t worry; read on, the stuff will work for you soon or you should be including these tips in your marketing strategy.

First a little honesty..... the Free tips we are giving in this article actually cost us a bit of money...

To read the article please click here.


Street talk: A practical solution to getting customers for Shs.90 each

April 7, 2013

Fact: The poor will always be with us, the good Lord (if you subscribe to religious beliefs) knew it (Matthew 26: 11). He was however re echoing a mosaic law in Deuteronomy 15:11: There will always be poor people in the land, therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy .

Fact: The world has never been fair. It will never be. The richest 1% own 99% of the world’s wealth. Yes it is true that Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Carlos Slim the 3 ...

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These tax tips could save you millions

March 20, 2013

About the Writer

D E Wasake (FCCA) is a principal at a thought leadership firm in Uganda.

I have collected this information from my experience with clients in Uganda, review of tax laws in Uganda as well as from insights from an associate of ours, an experienced officer currently working with Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).

How can you avoid or reduce tax payment? This is the objective of this article. It provides tips to reduce your tax exposure including through tax avoid...

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Marketing 102: Selling more, including tips from a blind salesman

February 26, 2013

Another load of marketing rubbish?

If you are in business (rather than an NGO or charity or perhaps not selling a necessity like electricity), you have one primary aim: To sell more.

It is so difficult to get credit from banks and other parties in Uganda and as such selling more means seems like the only key means of growing your business. It is why we are passionate about sales.

Now a lot the information I am about to provide comes from two of the world’s leading marketing experts (...

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Cost saver 101: How an SME can get Free advertising worth Shs. 4.9m

February 5, 2013
Article marketing is a form of advertising where businesses write short articles about themselves, their products/services or their expertise. They then have these featured (often Free) in the newspapers.

Many Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Uganda including Start ups often struggle not only due to limited finances but on how to advertise cost effectively.

This article provides information on the oft ignored option of article marketing. Its benefits are significant. From a cost p...

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Three questions to jumpstart your company's growth.

February 5, 2013
Scott Anthony wrote a thought provoking article in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) on the above subject. The full article is here.  One of the key observations he makes is that 90% of people identify themselves as above average performers.
The sad reality of course is probably the opposite, i.e 90% are average and 10% either star or poor performers.

You can however help your company stand out from the crowd by thinking in a particular way:

What makes our company special?

In his view the com...
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Our top 5 tips for business success in 2013

January 9, 2013
Our number 1 tip for business success for Ugandan businesses is to immediately outsource their bookeeping services to an accounting firm. This can cost as little as Shs. 300,000 a month compared to hiring a full time accountant of whom a qualified one would charge about Shs. 1,500,000 a month.

Read this and other detailed tips here.
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What do Ugandans care about? An analysis of google's search terms for Uganda

December 27, 2012
An Analysis of Google's Zeigist 2012 and how to turn this into a business opportunity.

P.S Part of this article also appeared in the New Vision of 3 January 2013. You can read that article here


How do google find out what is important? In their own words:

We studied an aggregation of over one trillion searches (or queries) that people typed into Google Search this year. We used data from multiple sources, including Google Trends and internal data tools. We filtered out spam an...

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A Sales trainer of the year's tips on selling more

December 6, 2012
Andy Bounds won "Britain's Sales Trainer of the Year" award in 2009 and he is the author of the best selling book, "The Jelly Effect". I have attended two of his courses and they are transformational. Below are some of his tips on how to sell more and communicate more effectively.

1. Communication is only effective if it achieves the do, If there is no call to action, customers won’t act. e.g call us now, click this link etc.

2. In writing a proposal, think of two things from the client's pe...
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Need success? Start with your website portraying an image of success

November 20, 2012

In American Beauty the 1999 Oscar winning movie featuring Kevin Spacey, one of the characters had a memorable mantra “In order to be successful, one must portray an image of success at all times”. This is true in almost all aspects of doing business.

A doctor dresses and carries on like a doctor, and so is trusted to treat disease.

 A lawyer dresses and carries on like a lawyer and so is trusted to litigate for their client successfully.

Their image and the way they are perceived th...

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"Inachee" and "Inachee for business" are brand names that belong to Inachee Limited a company incorporated in England and Wales. No: 08117725. In Uganda, they are used, with permission.

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Why these "1 minute management" tips?

We are passionate about helping businesses in Uganda (whether starting out, growing or expanding) to succeed.

We believe in sharing our experience to develop the entrepreneurial spirit in Uganda.

We are an ethical thought leadership firm providing advisory for business strategy.

Book on Business Success in Uganda
Principal, Dickson E Wasake has written a book on 10 practical principles and lessons for achieving business success in Uganda. Preview the book here.